understand the risks and hazards

How can I communicate to prevent workplace accidents

It is important to know how can “I communicate to prevent workplace accidents”, however, understanding the hazards, the dangers, and why accidents happen will help you communicate accidents in your workplace.

The five steps to prevent injuries and accidents at work

How to Prevent Injuries at Work Accidents and injuries can happen at any time.  We have created the five steps to prevent injuries and accidents at work.  Accidents can have serious consequences on our health and well-being. While we can’t control everything around us, there are steps we can take to prevent injuries and accidents […]

Who is Responsible for Health and Safety for my Staff

Do you worry about Health and Safety in your workplace? In the latest Health and Safety report that came out earlier in the year, a total of 142 workers were killed between 2019-2020.  A further 441,000 workers sustained a non-fatal injury and 51,211 employees were recorded under RIDDOR.   So ‘who is responsible for health and […]