How to Treat Heart Attacks Do’s and Don’ts

When it comes to heart health, knowledge truly is power, this blog is about knowing how to treat heart attacks and do’s and don’ts. Heart attacks, or myocardial infarctions, can strike anyone, anywhere, and at any time. They are a sobering reality of our modern lives, and understanding how to respond can be a matter […]

3 Top Priorities for Calling 999

In times of crisis, a simple three-digit number can be a lifeline and knowing the 3 top priorities for calling 999. When emergencies strike, knowing how to dial 999 can mean the difference between swift assistance and a potentially dire situation.  

What You Need to Know Before Giving CPR

Every second counts in emergency situations when someone’s life is on the line.  This is why having knowledge of what you need to know before giving CPR can help someone who is breathing or not.